Vertical Stabilizer

The vertical stabilizer is one of the most easily recognizable pieces in the lower debris field. The structure is largely intact, though large portions of the skin have been cut out by souvenir hunters. Major points of interest include the faint traces remaining of the serial number. Very interestingly, there is evidence that the serial number was originally painted in a larger format on the tail, but was then painted over with silver paint, and repainted in the smaller, more standard size.

Nearby lies a small section of the curved fairing between the fuselage and vertical stabilizer.

Also present at the crash site is the metal leading edge of the rudder. The fabric covered part of the rudder was damaged in the crash, and since then, all of the underlying structure has been removed.

Click on the images below for more information and larger versions.

Coming soon: diagrams showing the remaining parts of the airframe

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