About This Site/Coming Soon

This site was created as a place to compile my research on SB-17G 44-85746, which crashed in Washington’s Olympic Mountains in January 1952. I hope that the information stored here will be helpful for modelers, enthusiasts, and anyone searching for information on this well-known crash site.

Coming soon:

-Photo Galleries of the crash site, and documentation of the remaining wreckage
-In-depth observations and analysis of the parts that remain
-In-depth analysis and recreation of the aircraft’s paint scheme and primer colors
-“parts locator,” showing which identifiable parts of the aircraft remain
-History of the crash

In the meantime, I highly recommend checking out The Last Flight of 746, which is a wealth of information, and has provided the bulk of what I’ve been able to gather on the history of the crash.

Thanks for your interest!


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